Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Start Reading Here

Welcome to this gaming blog.  For those of you that randomly wound up here while crawling the web, this is a blog about a fictional character I invented for a role playing game called Scion that is published by White Wolf.  They have some pretty cool ideas about games, and they're easy to find on the net.  Scion is a game based in part on mythology, or perhaps better to say several mythologies.  They've got like a dozen or so historical mythologies that they have tweaked (or sometimes majorly altered) to fit into this game universe.  Which means though Scion may make mythology fun, it is definitely NOT faithful to existing mythologies.  Typically it's a contemporary fantasy (meaning a fantasy set in a world similar to our real world at this point in time), where the fantastic elements are drawn as much as possible from mythology.  It can be played other ways, after all it's just a game.

For those of you who came here knowing about Scion, then I really have nothing special you need to hear.  Unless of course the you are a player of one of my fellow Band members.  For my fellow Band members, you should know that in the game that this the blog data is an encrypted file...and it's written in Greek (though Google Translate should get you by that hurdle).  As the computer is also password protected (with a different password), your character probably can't read the blog - unless your character is Ren or is being assisted by Ren.  A final word of warning, Alex's thought processes are a strange mixture of normal and bizarre, so reading this may have an impact on how you role play with my odd but mostly likable Alex.

Before getting to his blogs, a bit about Alexander Efasteyo...

Alex is the son of Hephaestus and a mortal woman (originally from Greece, but living in the US).  He grew up in a loving family.  He has two half-sisters, but he never even thinks of the "half" - they're just his baby sisters whom he loves.  He had a fairly normal, happy life growing up.  However, he was always large for his age - finally stopping growing when he hit 7'3" (and he's also a light 295 pounds at the start of the game, but if Griff allows, I'd like him to gain 5 lb. each time he picks up a new dot of Strength and/or Epic Strength).  He's also something of a genius, though that's mostly channeled into inventing things or fixing things.  His deep thinking is usually not very fast thinking, and that combined with his absent mindedness tend to mask his intelligence.  While it was never a secret that his stepdad was not his dad, he had never met his biological father and had been told that his father was a visiting professor who seemingly vanished off the face of the earth a week or two after Alex was conceived.

Despite a more or less normal life at first, things went very strange for him not long after his 17th birthday.  Alex was at a Halloween costume party/dance with his girl friend, and after excusing himself to use the restroom, he got a very strange visit by a guy that claimed to be his father.  The strange parts being the two golden robots that accompanied the man, and the fact the man said that the Greek gods (and other pantheons) are real and that they are fighting an ongoing battle against Titans.  The attack by several cyclopes that occurred shortly after hearing this tended to help convince Alex of the reality of the situation.  Unfortunately several students were killed or seriously injured during this attack, and Alex's girl friend was among the first to be killed.  The sight of her broken body caused Alex to go berserk and charge the one eyed monstrosities.  Eventually all the cyclopes were killed.  But the price was heavy and left Alex with a burning hate for Titans and their spawn.

Time passed, but the tragedy from that party left the whole student body mostly depressed that year.  Summer finally helped restore Alex to a more normal mood, and he was looking forward to going to the special university that Hephaestus had selected for him.  With lots of hugs, kisses, and more than a few tears, he finally said his good byes and drove out to his new school.

After getting a brief introduction to other special students (all Scions, though all from different pantheons), Alex started moving his stuff into his half of a dorm room.  A general description follows...

Alex's shelves contain his text books and several supplemental books for classes he's currently taking - mostly appropriate books from the Schaum's Outline Series.  Plus he has a few other personal books, notably: The Art of War by Sun Tzu, A Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, the 91st editition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, and Bulfinch's Mythology.  The rest of the shelves have various mechanical or electrical parts, loosely grouped together based on his latest tinkering.  He has some no name computer system (tower configuration, and actually something he put together himself after buying the components separately) under his desk - though of course the monitor, keyboard, etc. rest on top of the desk.  (For those who care, his computer is password protected.)  Some of his clothes are hung in the closet, but most are in the chest of drawers.  Also in the top drawer of his chest of drawers is "hidden" his shotgun, extra ammo, and gun cleaning kit.  In this case hidden merely means it is under some clean rags made from old clothes making the shotgun not so terribly obvious.  (If small children should ever come visit the floor, Alex will permanently move the shotgun to the top shelf of the closet, making such a shelf if one does not already exist.  The shotgun is also kept loaded, so hopefully Sonia's half brother doesn't like playing with guns.)  Alex has a couple of small tool boxes, actually small tackle boxes, which he stores under his bed if he's not using them or carrying them around in his backpack.  Alex has a handful of posters.  They look something like this: Bruce LeeNikola TeslaThomas EdisonAlbert Einstein, and MacGyver - though the last one has duct tape listed as also being needed.  On top of his chest of drawers, he has a picture of his mother, one of his stepfather, one each of his two (half) sisters, and a picture of himself with his best friend Kobi plus some others dressed in gis wearing newly earned black belts.  On his desk he has a picture of his entire family (including himself), a picture of his deceased girl friend Alicia (if anyone looks at the back of this picture there is written in black felt pen "I will NEVER forget"), and a picture of his two sisters together.  He also has a miniature refrigerator, and while it is not working at the moment, he does keep a chemistry set (one of the more elaborate kits made for kids) in the refrigerator when he's not playing around with it.  Perhaps the only other thing worth noting in his room is his "Girls of Harmon U" calendar.

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